Allogenetics wins the DurchSTARTER-Preis 2022.

Not only we are convinced, but the jury is as well!
We are very pleased that our new approach to solve the problem of organ rejection after transplantation was announced as the winner in the Life Science category.
The award ceremony took place on December 7th and is an annual award ceremony honoring innovative start-ups from Lower Saxony. Prof. Rainer Blasczyk - co-founder and CEO - accepted the award on behalf of the Allogenetics team.
The aim of the award is to support the most innovative business idea and technology. In addition to financial support, the winner benefits from a broad platform to showcase their innovation and use the visibility to attract further investors.
The DurchSTARTer-Preis is launched yearly by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economics, Labor, Transport and Digitalization, the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture, NBank, startup.niedersachen and the Lower Saxony Business Associations (UVN).